Last weekend we went to Lake Powell with my family. We were a little nervous that it was going to be cold but the weather was beautiful just windy at times. We even got into the water but that was cold! We arrived at Bullfrog marina at 12:00 Thursday night. We then had to set up our tent in the dark. The first time we put it up it was surrounded by cactus so then we had to move it. We finally got to sleep but not until 2. Shawn woke us up bright and early and told us we had to move camp. We all complained but after we did we were glad because our new campsite was a lot better! Finally we were able to get out on the water and the first day we were there was the best weather! It was in the 90s and no clouds in the sky!
The next two days we weren't so lucky but we were able to get a little lake time each day! The first day we were able to wake-board and Samuel stood up on the knee board which impressed us all! :)
On Saturday we got to see "Nemo" take its first voyage. This is my Uncle Mikes houseboat that he is fixing up.It took us about a half an hour to get out of the docking area because only one motor fired up. We were just glad that it floated and we got it to its dock on the water and it will need a few more repairs before its next trip. The rest of the day we spent playing on the beach and then back at camp. It was a little too windy to be out on the water anymore. Even Grandpa Young made it out to Powell on Saturday to see Nemo float.
Cabo loved playing on the beach with Poco and Fancy but still hates the water. He really did love Powell though and cried when we started to pack up our things or maybe he was sad that he wouldn't get anymore of grandmas treats.
Overall, it was a great trip and we LOVE LAKE POWELL!
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